Sunday, March 12, 2006

…..And the SSR grows on.

“From the late sixties on gay people had been speaking out to secure their legal rights. They organized to petition support, both among themselves and from others, for their right to be free from discrimination. This basic right – to organize had itself been difficult to obtain from the government. For years the courts had been their battle field. Many rights had been secured by the late seventies, but some erosion had begun to take place. Gay people became less vocal, unless they were in one of the gay ghettos around the country, such as the Village in New York, West Hollywood in Los Angeles, Coconut Grove in Miami, the French Quarter in New Orleans, New Town in Chicago, or The Castro in San Francisco. Gay activism had been institutionalized and was, like most aspects of American society, in the hands of a ruling clique. They organized some marches, lobbied the networks for better media coverage, and published some periodicals. But the only activism in the United States at present seemed to be the New Revivalism.”

The above quote is from a book published in 1981 by Alabama Birdstone. It is called Queer Free and many of the fictions she wrote about are now true. One amazing prediction she made in the book was the rise of the religious right at the Air Force Academy in Colorado. She predicted that the rise of fundamentalist Christianity would overwhelm the nation before most realized what had happened. She also showed that when the “non-beilievers” realized what was happening it was too late.

Ms. Birdstone has written a book that was eerily prophetic. She foresaw the rapid rise of a fundamentalist religious movement in America once the first “born again” President was elected. She foresaw the evolution of the Security State Republic (SSR).

In the book she saw “sodomites” as the target of hatred. At the time, terrorism was something “over there.” However, scapegoating is a necessary component of the SSR and rather than “sodomites” the rallying cry is cloaked today in words such as “democracy”, “freedom”, etc.

She foresaw a president who would change the Constitution to exclude gay people from equal access to the laws. In Bush’s evolving SSR, a major point is to control gays through exactly this means.

“But, we are still ok right now. It can never get as bad as she described” you say. That belief is the component most important to the continued growth of the SSR. That is the attitude that many gay people have today while conservative organizations such as Human Rights Campaign purport to represent all gays. As a matter of fact, HRC was the only organization recognized as examples of “gay leadership” after the national election in 2004, even by the media.

The SSR has become stronger due to the President’s wire tap program. He tells us it is necessary to spy on Americans in order to catch terrorists. He says it is only overseas emails and phone calls being monitored. And the outcry is deafening….right? Wrong!!! Outside of the media there has been very little negative reaction to these illegal practices. We are currently in a national debate whether these powers are an extension of the power of the executive.

How can this be a debate? Wiretapping is not legal without a warrant. The fact that the population at large is not interested in this invasion into our privacy is just one more step toward the SSR.

The SSR is approaching the point where it will be to late to stop. Allowing the growth of the executive, one man, is ever nearer to a representative dictatorship. Yes, we can have democracy by electing our officials, but when those elected officials begin to rubber stamp the desires of one person with very little opposition we are close to a form of dictatorship.

Eric Fromm stated in his book Escape From Freedom that the masses require someone to lead them…it is easier than thinking for oneself. Well America, get ready for that as more and more Americans struggle for a leader.

By the way, Mr. Bush often uses the terms “leader”, and “leadership.” Remember that “Das Furher” simply means “The Leader” in German. Nothing more.


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